What's new with Learn.ink? (end 2022)

📱 Learn.ink for Android

We designed Learn.ink for maximum accessibility which is why we started as a web-only platform. We know there are huge barriers to downloading apps when users have limited data, limited space on their devices and limited knowledge of app stores. However, native apps also come with big advantages, particularly the ability to be used offline.

In May this year we launched Learn.ink for Android, a native app which enables users to take courses, watch videos and even receive notifications totally offline. We've had great feedback on the app so far and I've particularly enjoyed seeing our app reviews landing in my inbox each day 😊.

🧑🏾‍🎓 Sequences

Our brand new learning experience for 2022 was sequences. Sequences enable you to arrange your course content into an interactive, curated experience. You can even add gamified elements such as leaderboards to motivate learners and drive engagement.

Where we've seen sequences be particularly effective is where organisations have integrated Learn.ink sequences into their in-person onboarding training. Introducing a mobile experience into a classroom setting enables learners to go at their own pace, meaning faster learners can move on to more challenging topics while slower learners can retake any modules they've scored poorly on. For the trainers it means they can see a detailed breakdown of the progress and accuracy of everyone in the classroom, simply by opening the Learn.ink dashboard.

We're already seeing incredible performance improvements among agents trained through Learn.ink as opposed to in a purely analog setting - more on this to come!

📚 Course templates

Brand new for 2022 is our course template library. Here you'll find a selection of courses that you can take straight off-the-shelf and publish to your learners. We've already got some brilliant content in there from organisations such as Mercy Corps AgriFin and Feed the Future.

In 2023 we'll be beefing up this template library considerably. This includes offering free and discounted Learn.ink subscriptions to content creators so if you have learning content you'd like to share with the world then get in touch!

There's more...

There's far too much to cover in one blog so rather than trying to explain all of the new features, here's my attempt to list them all in under 30 seconds.

If you're not already a Learn.ink user then the best way to find out more is to schedule a demo with us, we'll be happy to show you around!

Coming in 2023...

  • Integrations - 2023 will be the year of integrations for Learn.ink. This means you'll be able to integrate Learn.ink much more neatly inside your existing app, databases and business processes.
  • Course generation tools - we're keeping the specifics of this one on the down low at the moment but, suffice to say, we've got some exciting features in the works to help massively speed up the process of creating new courses. Stay tuned!
  • ...and much, much more!

A final thank you

Thank you to everyone who has patiently shared their ideas and feedback over the last 12 months. As you can see, we really do take it to heart!

Thanks also to the WECA Business Innovation Fund, Innovate UK and Mercy Corps AgriFin for their support this year and their commitment to building accessible, inclusive technology.